Monday, September 3, 2012


So in an attempt to save myself time in the mornings and make sure Rachel and I are eating more nutritious meals, we decided to invest in a slow-cooker. We are also planning out "freezer meals." If you're unfamiliar with freezer meals, I'll break it down. Basically, you prepare a dish but double the ingredients so you have left-overs either to refrigerate or freeze. An example of a freezer meal would be spaghetti sauce(usually made in large portions anyways) and a good example of a refrigerator meal would be slow-cooker, steel-cut oatmeal. You leave the oatmeal cooking overnight in your slow-cooker so it's ready for breakfast and then refrigerate the rest and you'll have delicious oatmeal all week. Awesome! After running to Costco after work today to get a few things, Rachel and I got to work on making breakfast burritos, or as we like to call them, Egg-i-ritos! The recipe we are using consists of turkey bacon, eggs, cheese and a flour tortilla. I'm saran-wrapping each one and then they will be stored in the freezer in a zip-loc bag. Then, at 6am when I am trying to get ready for school or work and Rachel is running out the door to meet her carpool, I can pop a couple in the microwave for a minute and have delicious, nutritious breakfast, without all the preservatives. How wonderful! I thought I would take some pictures to show you guys a few of the steps and break down the amount of ingredients we used, how many burritos the amount yields, and the approximate calories per serving.

Unfortunately I didn't think to take pictures until half-way through putting the burritos together, so I don't have any pictures of how we cooked the turkey bacon or eggs. We chopped the slices of turkey bacon into bite sized pieces and cooked them first. While the bacon was cooking we whisked the eggs with a little milk and pepper. When the bacon was nice and crispy we scrambled the eggs with the bacon. It looked like this:

The pan was much fuller of course. We also had to do this in two batches of bacon/eggs because our pans are not big enough to hold all of it at once. The next thing I did was warm a few flour tortillas in the microwave for about 15 seconds. I only warmed three to four at a time because it gave me just about enough time to get them wrapped before they would cool too much and become difficult to fold again. A good amount of cheese and eggs per tortilla:

You want to remember not to overfill the tortillas, as they will be difficult to fold and also break. So after stuffing all those burritos, I had a lovely mountain of breakfast chilling on my counter. Look at all these!

Rachel and I bought a carton of 18 eggs from Costco and had 5 left over from another dozen so we used 23 eggs. We also just combined all the different cheese we had in our fridge and shredded what we needed to. Each burrito had approximately one tablespoon of cheese. The turkey bacon we bought came in a case of four packages and we used one and half so about 33 slices. This yielded 25 burritos:

I dated the bags with the "freeze-by" date on the turkey bacon, which was Oct. 26th and then popped them into the freezer. To reheat them in the morning, take them out of the plastic wrap, wrap in a paper towel and microwave for 1-2 minutes. Quick and easy in the morning, even if initially it takes a good amount of time to make them. I would rather cook at night and save it for later then have to cook a meal when I'm still half-asleep in the morning!

-23 Eggs(regular, nothing fancy)
-33 slices of turkey bacon
-4 cups shredded cheese
-25 8" flour tortillas
25 breakfast burritos at approximately 298 calories a piece!

Now, to clean my kitchen and hit the hay. I can't wait for breakfast in the morning!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I think this blonde with green thing is a good look for Elphaba/me.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Where have I been!?

Man o man! The last few weeks have been absolutely crazy! Where to start?

I had 3 tests this past week and another one tomorrow. I spent the week prior to "knowledge-poledge" shakedown so stressed out about studying that while I was studying I couldn't focus. I then aced my first Sociology paper and was one point away from an A on the first test(annnnnd one of the answers I had gotten wrong I had originally answered correctly, sooooo...there's that. Can I get an A on a technicality?) Then I had my first Geography test, which I got a B on and my first Philosophy test I got a C. I did however go into that one the most "blind" having not really studied at all for that class. I had another Sociology quiz that I also went into today not very prepared....but, besides actually studying next time, what can you do? As for my Anthropology test tomorrow, I am going to study after this post and luckily for me, my worst score will be dropped.

I've also been working, trying to catch up on housework(never easy because all Rachel and I like to do it seems is crash, sleep and get up and go about our days all over again) and I say we did a pretty good job this past week. All the laundry is done, our "living room" is clean, picked up, and the one bookshelf we have and our storage closet have been reorganized and de-cluttered as best as possible. Now to fold and put away laundry? That is one of my downfalls as a human I tend to live out of the baskets and bags which contain my delicates and unmentionables. We also saw this pretty cute desk at Ikea that we are thinking of purchasing, once we give our roommates back their busted ass futon and make room for it. I also bought twinkle lights for our bedroom and will perhaps post a picture once I get them all set up.

I've been saving pictures I like on my hard drive in several different folders. One is called "Inspiration" and contains things like fashion spreads, hairstyles I like, interior design, photographs of some of my fave celebrities, and other photos that speak to me on some level, whether it be the composition of said photo or the expression it conveys. Don't tell anyone I told you my secrets.

I also found a way to get perfect no heat, no roller curls like SJP's(aka Carrie Bradshaw) that through out the day hold up pretty well with out any product. The do fall a little but into a more relaxed curly wave. There is some frizz but its the good kind. Frizz is more au naturel. Doesn't every lady want what they were born without? Here's a photo for reference:

Anywayssss, gotta go hit the books!

Monday, September 26, 2011

thin mint!

After much anticipation, I present to you my thin mint cupcakes. Dun Dun Dun!!
They were very easy to make and everyone seemed to enjoy them!
So I finally got all my financial aid stuff sorted and I was approved for a Pell Grant. Thank the heavens that be. I have been so stressed wondering if I was going to get it or not. Now I am just waiting for it to be DEPOSITED INTO MY ACCOUNT. I could use that $$ like last year, so chop chop! I got a C on my first Anthro quiz(w/o studying...of course) and thankfully the lowest grade will be dropped. So time to hit the books and get those A's. Been thinking about what my life track is the next couple of years and I see my future with a very special lady in it. I wonder where that's going to take me... I guess I'll just have to wait and see.... I have a pretty good idea though.

Monday, September 19, 2011

this is my lyfeeee.

Had my first of four "midterms" in my anthropology class today. I will be surprised if I get better than a C. I understood the concepts in the material that was covered but the test wanted specifics like who came up with this theory, who discovered that...blah blah blah. Well, now I will be more prepared I suppose...

Met a new friend on the way to the market today. He just chilled there the whole drive from school to Vons. I had a panic attack in the parking lot for about five minutes before he finally took the hint and bugged off. I can't even handle it.

It's all good though. I eventually made it into the market and bought the ingredients I need to make the thin mint cupcakes that are on my schedule tomorrow. Pics to come soon.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Day Five: A photo that makes you laugh.

This makes me laugh for many reasons. One being that it shows you just how vast and eclectic my interests really are!! Also, who doesn't google their own birthday to see what irrelevant shit is related to their special day?? Did you know Lindsay Lohan was born on July 2nd? That makes us like universe twins, almost. Like maybe I was born 11:59 pm on the 1st and homegirl popped out the next minute on the 2nd. Come on, its possible. I mean girl is a little wild but hey! I get it! I think Lindsay and I would understand each other on a soul level.

Day Four: A photo of a place you'd like to visit.

I've always wanted to go to NYC and I have plenty of reasons to go now!! I have some great friends I'd love to visit and I'd just like to see the Big Apple with my own eyes. I think it would definitely be a larger than life experience!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day Three: ( A Photo That Makes You Smile)

I loved these bracelets! They were so bright and sparkly and fun. One even made its way back to me and I passed it on one more time. Also, all the ideals I strive to keep in my life. I been "thinkin' 'bout somethin'" recently. I am exactly where I wanted to be in my life right now. I feel like I've been working so hard to get my shit back together the last year and a half. I have finally arrived. It feels so good. I've been in the healthiest relationship I've had in my entire life with the most wonderful woman. I feel home for once, which is so relieving, healing, surprising and affirming. My psych class is also awesome and I am excited for what the rest of the semester will teach me. My life has been drastically changed in the last few months and I am in awe. I love that I am so adaptable. I think you need to be in order to get through anything. Change is tough, but immobility=stagnancy=lame(or for the more dramatically flaired/death.)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day Two: (A photo of yourself over a year ago)

This was sometime in 2007. Before my face had any extra holes in it! This was after my 21st birthday, so in the fall I think. Definitely representative of how I felt back then. Used to smoke so much pot. Was convinced it was "changing my life." I suppose it was, just not in the way my mind thought it was.